Talks & Demonstrations

We offer services for schools, groups and clubs

Falconry goes back over centuries. Tradition says that it started off as a way of catching food for the table. Over the years falconry has changed more into a sport. Carmarthenshire Falconry tries to adhere to the traditional ways of falconry, through demonstrations and talks (with help from the birds) Carmarthenshire Falconry can bring falconry alive for everyone to see and enjoy. 

With over 30 combined years of experience in the field of falconry our falconers can help educate the next generation to appreciate birds of prey and wildlife in general. We can bring our birds to your venue (schools, hotels, caravan parks, clubs) and offer a hands-on talks or demonstrations.

We will work alongside YOU to tailor make ever visit to suit your requirements.

For schools and clubs, we can bring along work sheets and information for children to read and work on and then take home, this can be designed towards the project your club or school is working on.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more details

we look forward to hearing from you

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